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Conejo Valley Village

Where neighbors help neighbors stay Independent, Active and Connected

HomeMileage Reimbursement Overview for Volunteers (Copy)

CVV Mileage Reimbursement Overview for Volunteers  

Optional reimbursement is available for volunteers calculated at the point volunteers leave from and returns back to their homes… roundtrip. This includes to/from home visits, dog-walks, grocery shopping, prescription pick-up’s, and obviously transporting members. 

If carpooling, please note all member names in separate rows in the appropriate column, and a single entry for the total mileage is acceptable. If the SRs are different, please note the SR number(s). 

For people who have Microsoft Excel, the form can be downloaded, completed and emailed to We ask that you name the actual Excel file Last-Name MM-DD-YYYY Mileage. Simply complete the applicable fields from your name at the top to your signature at the bottom including the number of miles, and CVV will calculate the total at 58.5 cents per mile. You can also download a printable form and mail it to CVV at P.0. Box 3162 in Westlake Village, 91359. Click here if you would like to see an example. For any questions whatsoever, feel free to email and/or request a phone call... we're happy to help! 
We do kindly ask that expense reports are received by the 10th of the following month of the service.

For audit purposes consistent with maintaining a 501(c)(3) nonprofit status, mileage reimbursement forms will be periodically audited by Service Request (SR) number, and the mileage should be consistent with the route driven.

CVV sincerely appreciates our dedicated volunteers, thank you for all that you do!

Your CVV Board of Directors


Revised July 2024


Send Payment to:
P.O. Box 3162

Westlake Village, CA 91359